District Ordinances Board of DirectorsStaffAgendasReportsMinutesBudgetFinancial ReportingRevenueDistrict OrdinancesRules and Regulations Summary of District Ordinances Ord. # Description 05-105: Refusal to obey a peace officer or contract security officer 16-110: Establishes parking areas and vehicle rights-of-way 05-115: Restricts the use of off-highway vehicles 15-116: Prohibits littering and polluting 08-118: Establishes the prima facie speed limit (full text of this ordinance is temporarily unavailable as of 3/31/08) 05-120: Empowers peace officers and contract security officers 16-122: Regulates owner responsibility for animal nuisances (leash and excreta) 04-200: Repeals 17 outdated ordinances (1977 through 1991) 05-201: Prohibits trespassing 13-202: Regulates the parking of vehicles and RV’s, trailers, etc. 15-203: Regulates Recreational Outdoor Wood Burning Fires 04-204: Requires Encroachment Permit and cash deposit for opening street 22-205: Regulates the keeping, storage and removal of garbage and refuse 05-206: Developer Impact Fee – sets fee amount for heavy vehicle impact to street from home construction projects 24-207: Special tax on properties located within the District for infrastructure protection